Friday, March 16, 2012

"lodged" by Robert Frost

1. Can the rain really talk to the wind?Can the wind really listen to the rain?Can the flowers really kneel?
 No the rain can't talk to the wind. The rain is not a person. Neither can the rain and the flowers kneel becuase its not a human being.

2.What are some of the effects that the tool of personification brings to this poem?
 They bring it more to life if you can see what is going on in the story.

3. If the rain and flowers were real people, how would one describe the event that is occurring?
 If the rain wind and flowers were real people, they will be arguing because push and smote.

4.If the flower were real people, how do they feel after the wind and the rain "smote"the garden bed''?
 They would not feel good it is like being beat up, nobody feels good after being hit with a heavy blow.

5.Speculate on why the speaker of the poem empathizes with the flowers?
  Because flowers are delicate and can be ripped of real easily and the rain was probably the problem in his life that knocks him down.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Drawing Metaphor poem

Drawing is my soul
The pencil letting me express my feelings
Drawing is a frame
Thats how i was raise
Drawing is a car
That takes me around every freeway.


The universe to an object
1. The sun is a ball.
2. The star is a toy.
3. The moon is a meat ball.

An emotion to an object
1. Happiness is a cup.
2. Nervous is a train.
3. Sadness is a blank paper.

A person to an object
1. I am a tree.
2. The kid is a candy.
3. Shes a dictionary.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Alliteration and song

Couldn't keep her quite contented, could you? 'Cause you
caused her so much misery that she ached.
Go and get her gifts of goodies, gold and flowers.
Guess you've got to give it all that it takes.
You've got to give one more try.
See if she'll come to your side by Mick Terry.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

poetry 10/13/11

Jose Castillo

What is poetry?
1. What is poetry? Poetry is a way to write how you feel and how you look at life in your own perspective.
2. Who is likely to disagree with you? No one
3. Does poetry have to rhyme? It does or else its not a poetry.
4. Does poetry have to make sense? I think it does because it has to go with what your saying and it also has to have some sense in it.
5. What type of feelings does or can poetry evoke{cause}? It relate to you like your feelings or your mood also it can just mean something to you that will remember you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Brain Cancer

Brain Cancer Jose Castillo